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The Current Date is 12, September,2014.
Next Full moon is on 14, Oct, 2014
The Walcott family were found dead at their home shot with strange bullets.


Rules, Plot and Information

This board contains all the information you need to know and the rules you should follow as a member of the site.

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Who's who
by Deleted
Jul 4, 2016 3:59:04 GMT

Getting Started

Beacon Hills Bank

Here you will be able to check the number of your bank account, the balance of both your personal and family account and claim paychecks or a salary. You can also claim money for your role-play posts here.

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Character Registration

You will find all the information you want about the canon characters and the creatures in Silver Rose. You have to post your applications in the correct sub-board (Creature or Human).

10 topics
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Jahari Ckole
by Veronica Carter
Aug 13, 2016 11:39:23 GMT

You will find all the registries your character can sign up for. This is where you can find banking accounts, sport tryouts and class registries.

21 topics
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Beacon Hills High School

The Basement

The Basement is underneath the school and contains storage rooms and the boiler room. It also contains a secret passageway into the Hale family vault, which can only be opened by werewolf claws. The Basement is strictly forbidden to all students, unless under direct instructions or supervision from a teacher.

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The Hale Vault

The Hale Vault is disguised as the front cement sign of Beacon Hills High School. Underneath the concrete that surrounds the sign is the vault where the Hale family kept everything that they deemed important so none of it would get stolen. These items varied from rare plants to cure sickness to millions worth of bearer bonds. To open the vault, a werewolves claws must be placed in the turner, which is a lock for the vault. There are two ways into the Vault; under the sign at the front of the school or in the west corridor of the basement.

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Locker Rooms

This is where most "supernatural" tendencies tend to go down. Boys and girls locker rooms are separate and there will be severe consequences if any member of the opposite gender goes into a locker room that is not for their gender. Both locker rooms lead to the weight room, however those doors need a keycard to activate the locks on the doors.

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Ground Floor

On this floor you can find the office for Coach Finstock, stairs that lead to the Basement and the second entrance to the Hale Vault, the Library, classrooms, homerooms, locker rooms, the weight room, the cafeteria, the gymnasium and the field.

8 topics
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Fancy Meeting You Again
by Deleted
Jul 21, 2016 9:53:18 GMT
First Floor

On this floor you will find all the classrooms that are used for practical lessons. This includes some science labs, music rooms, dance studio and art classrooms.

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Music I
by Bethany Jade Collins
Aug 24, 2016 20:11:15 GMT
Second Floor

The second floor is where you will find all of the teacher's offices, excluding Coach Finstock's. You can find both the Headmistress here when she isn't teaching and the Guidance Counsellor who is available at all times of the day.

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Crazy in Love and Denial
by Deleted
Aug 3, 2016 13:36:59 GMT

Beacon Hills

Beacon Hills Animal Clinic

The Beacon Hills Animal Clinic is a Veterinary Office in Beacon Hills. Dr. Alan Deaton, runs the Clinic and Scott McCall works as his assistant after school. It is open from 7:30am to 5:30pm on Monday through Friday, and on Saturday by appointment.

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Beacon Hills Cemetery

This is the Beacon Hills cemetery which is used by the residents to bury their dear ones. Along with the bodies buried there, Kate Argent's casket is also present.

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Hello Stranger ((OPEN))
by Jason Rhys Pomeroy
Jul 17, 2016 20:52:51 GMT
Beacon Hills Forest Preserve

The wildest woods where the creatures of night wander. Enter at your own risk. You may find dead bodies and blood some times.

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A Pleasant Stroll (Open)
by Deleted
Sept 12, 2016 10:01:58 GMT
1 topics
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Another Day at Work [Open]
by Crystal Fall
Jul 2, 2016 0:51:46 GMT
BH News

Here is the news station for Beacon Hills. They report all the mysterious going-ons around the town and the world. This is also head-office for the Beacon Hills Gazette.

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Beacon Hills Rail Road Depot

The abandoned Beacon Hills Railroad Depot was used as a home by Derek Hale during Season 2. It is usually a home for the strays.

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Beacon Hills Ware House District

This is the industrial area of Beacon Hills. it contains various used and abandoned ware houses. You can even stumble upon year old secrets down here.

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Shopping District

Beacon Hills Theater

Job application will have to be filled out in order to apply for a job in the theater. This is where your characters will be able to hangout and watch movies with their friends. There will also be some places in the popcorn stands to fill in, and some of the movies will be sold when the movies have finished playing the theater. NOW HIRING.

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Bowling Alley

This the best place to challenge anyone and improve on their bowling skills. You can take your girl friend on a date and show off your skills too.

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Clothing Stores

In this board, you will find all the clothing or outfit stores - Tidal, Dark Star, Fauna, Maximus, and Sweat. Make sure to fill out the applications located in each of the stores to apply for the jobs.

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A Little to the Left [Open]
by Jason Rhys Pomeroy
Jun 25, 2016 0:08:33 GMT
Food District

In this board, you will find all the restaurants that the characters can participate in. Job applications will be posting in the correct board.

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Twiddling My Thumbs ((OPEN))
by Deleted
Aug 29, 2016 13:20:03 GMT
Nightlife Centers

These are places where the characters will be able to hang out dancing, and just plainly enjoying their lives. A place where they could hangout and talk to friends, and forget about schoolwork.

3 topics
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Far Into Narnia (Open)
by Deleted
Aug 21, 2016 9:44:50 GMT
Video 2*C

It is a video rental store and is currently under the control of Beacon Hills Sheriff as the previous manager was killed.

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Guest Friendly


Want to be part of our affiliations.Just create a thread in here according to the template and the admin will verify it.

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Wolf Within - A Teen Wolf AU RP - Affiliation Request
by WWI Staff
Sept 3, 2016 12:49:54 GMT

This is a guest friendly board, which will allow members from other websites to advertise their websites on our board. Please post only one thread per website.

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Moonlit Shadows - Mature - Mybb - Original Themed TW RP
by MSStaff
Nov 11, 2018 10:23:12 GMT


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Crying For The Moon Inner Animals : Follow the Pull v.3 Silence at Last